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To a restaurant owner and a shop owner etc.


“Information of PKT bookkeeping Services”

This information is for all sole proprietors.


We, PKT International Legal Office, can do bookkeeping on your behalf.

If you want to be released from daily bothersome bookkeeping job by inexpensive cost, please contact us.

Since our firm has qualified personnel of bookkeeping, we can provide you an accurate accounts processing.

Price:JPY10,000 ​/ per month ~(depending on the volume, but most of the case JPY10,000-)


*Merit of using our service*

  1. We can also give you suggestions regarding the management know-how by analyzing the financial statements.

     The representative of the office had been a bank officer for more than 30 years.


 2.We can give you an advice regarding the familiar legal issue, such as Lease Contract.

3. Of course, we are Immigration lawyer, you can consult with us about VISA problems.


We can be your Legal and Financial Consultant.


Please contact us by E-mail, Phone or Messenger.

We will visit your office and explain the details of services.



PKT International legal Office


Reception hours by phone : 9:30am to 4pm/ Mon-Fri (excluding national holidays)

Reception hours by email : 24hours/365days

Reception hours by Messenger : 24hours/365days

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